Inviting and Including — Aleutians East Borough School District

November 28, 2023 · Jennifer McFerran

Aleutians East Borough School District is working on involving community members in our schools. Everything we do, we do better when the communities are involved in the success of our children. Community members love sharing their knowledge; they just need an invite. Everyone wants to feel important and included; they just need an invite. So, we are trying to focus on inclusion and inviting everyone to be a part of our students’ journey to success. Below are some examples:

Sand Point School has Elders Lunch every Friday, and our students take turns serving them.

Our 5/6 graders have a community member come in weekly and teach them Unangam Tunuu. In the picture shown, they were playing “Red Light, Green Light” in Unangam Tunuu.

We also have community members come in and teach in our classrooms. K-2 classes had a fisherman come in and teach them about the different parts of a Salmon and complete a painting project.

Akutan School had someone from the local health clinic come in and teach them about the harmful effects of drugs during Red Ribbon Week, and King Cove School is working to get more community members to attend events, such as the Halloween concert/parade.

To find out more about the Family Engagement work Aleutians East Borough School District is doing, visit or contact Megan Gatlin.