Dr. Karen Mapp, one of the leading researchers on Family Engagement, is often quoted as saying, “Family engagement is not a strategy, it’s a goal.” Her point: if family engagement is another thing on your already full to-do list, it will likely not happen. However, suppose family engagement is woven into your strategies for achieving your goals. In that case, whether that’s increasing reading scores, attendance, school climate, or graduation rates – you’re more likely to implement effective family engagement and achieve your goal.
Craig City School District posted its strategic plan at the front entry of the schools. It’s easy to see that family engagement is woven throughout. Craig’s strategic plan links goals and objectives like improving attendance, collaboration, and a positive working environment to family engagement efforts. The plan’s indicators of success include responses from the School Climate & Connectedness Survey, like feeling safe and welcome at school.

Craig didn’t stop with posting their strategic plan in the entryway. They also posted actionable information for families right where they might need it. The bulletin board at the local AC has a list of school supplies families might want to pick up. It’s a good reminder that with all the apps and emails, sometimes a good, old-fashioned flyer can do the trick.